Our love affair with Gardet has been simmering for somewhere in excess of 25 years now and, in spite of the odd tiff, our relationship remains as strong as ever. Although ownership has changed a couple of times since we started working with them, Gardet remains very much an independent and as focussed on quality as ever.

To my mind, the most defining factor in the Gardet style is that of maturity. Whilst all Champagne is required by law to spend a certain amount of time ageing in the producer’s cellars (18 months for non vintage, 3 years for vintage wines) Gardet routinely release their non vintages after 6-8 years, a measure which basic arithmetic will tell you requires 4 times the stockholding of some of their less quality conscious peers. Consequently, the wines have so much more depth and character that they consistently outperform many of their more illustrious rivals in blind tastings. We live in an age where designer labels, image and “bling” take on an importance that transcends value – for those who prefer to drink their Champagne rather than look at it or wave it in front of their colleagues I would strongly recommend that you acquaint yourself with Gardet.


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